Client stories

We’re extremely proud of the work we do for our clients, whether we’re helping them through a divorce or mitigating their Inheritance Tax bill. Here are some of the stories of the people we have helped.

Harriet’s story – Life beyond divorce

We were shocked when Harriet, an existing client, telephoned to say that she and her husband had decided to divorce. We agreed to help her arrange her finances and start her new life.

Harriet’s story

David’s story – Managing company investments

David ran a successful business that had continued to make good profits year-on-year. He approached us to ask for some help with the company’s investments.

David’s story

Tim’s story – Inheritance Tax mitigation

Tim was an existing client of ours when his wife, unfortunately, passed away. We knew his estate had a potential Inheritance Tax bill, so we got to work mitigating it as best we could.

Tim’s story

Richard and Kate’s story – First-time investors

Richard and Kate were a married couple in their 60s. They both had senior position jobs and had accumulated wealth through property, so were considering investing.

Richard and Kate’s story